Frenkel Exercise Manual

This exercise manual is a companion volume to Fiscal Policies and the World Economy: An Intertemporal Approach, Second Edition, by Jacob Frenkel and Assaf. TCC is strongly recommended as a regimen of coordination exercise to prevent the elderly from falling.' A study involving stroke patients and the effectiveness of Frenkels exercises found significant gains in relation to coordination, balance and functional activities with the inclusion of Frenkel exercises in physical therapy approach. Frenkel Exercises are a series of motions of increasing difficulty 30+ Hand Therapy Exercises after Stroke Evidence Based Therapeutic (PDF Download Available) Effectiveness of physiotherapy for (PDF Download Available). Frenkel’s exercise As mentioned above, Frenkel’s exercise3 is a coordination and proprioception exercise devised by Heinrich Frenkel for patients with tabetic ataxia. The treatment for tabetic ataxia is based upon educating the central nervous system through the accurate repetition of exercise with high levels of concentration. Coordination exercise-. General instructions to coordination exercise. Techniques of coordination exercise. Upper and low.

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frenkel’s exercises
It is defined as the series of gradual progressive— exercises designed to increase coordination.
Method of treating the ataxia & incoordination.
—Mechanism is based on voluntary control of movement by use of sensory mechanism i.e sight, sound & touch to compensate for the loss of kinesthetic sensation.
—Essentials are

  1. Concentration of attention
  2. Precision

III. Repetition
—TECHNIQUE of frenkel’s exercises
—Position & clothing
—Explanation of exercise
—Attention of patient
—Speed of movement
—ROM by marking spots
—Repetition of exercises
—Rest periods
—PROGRESSION of frenkel’s exercises
—Made alteration in speed, range & complexity
—Quick movements, less control
—Slow movement, high control
—Simple movements build up to form complex movements e.g walking
—According to disability re-education starts from lying to standing.
—frenkel’s exercises For The Legs In Lying
a)Lying(Head raised); Hip abduction& adduction
b)Lying(Head raised);one Hip & knee flexion & Extension
c)Lying(Head raised); one Leg raising to place Heel on specific mark
d)Lying(Head raised); Hip & Knee flexion & extension, abduction & adduction
—frenkel’s exercises For The Legs In Sitting
a)Sitting;one Leg stretchin,to side heel to a position indicated by a mark on the floor.
b)Sitting; alternate Leg stretching & lifting to place Heel or Toe on specified mark.
c)Stride sitting; change to standing and then sit down again.
—Exercise For The Legs In Standing
a)Stride standing; transference of weight from Foot to Foot.
b)Stride standing; walking sideways placing Feet on marks on the floor.
c)Standing;walking placing Feet on marks.
d)Standing; turn around.
e)Standing; walking and changing direction to avoid obstacles.
—Exercises For The Arms
a)Sitting (one Arm supported on a table or in slings); Shoulder flexion or extension to place Hand on a specified mark.
b)Sitting; one Arm stretching, to thread it through a small loop or ring.
c)Sitting; picking up objects and putting them down on specified marks.
—All exercises are repeated to rhythmic count.
a)Sitting; one Hip flexion & adduction.
b)Half lying; one Leg abduction to bring knee to side of plinth, followed by one Knee bending to put Foot on floor, the movement is then reversed & repeated.
c)Sitting; lean forward and take weight on Feet(as if to stand), then sit down again.
d)Standing; Arms swing forwards & backwards(with partner holding two sticks).
e)Standing or walking; bounce & catch, or throw & catch a ball.


Frenkel exercises are a set of exercises developed by Professor Heinrich Sebastian Frenkel to treat ataxia, in particular cerebellar ataxia. They are a system of.

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Frenkel exercises are a set of exercises developed by Professor Heinrich Sebastian Frenkel [1] to treat ataxiain particular cerebellar ataxia. They are a system of slow repetitious exercises.


They increase in difficulty over the time of the program. Although the technique is simple, needs virtually no exercise equipment, and can be done on one’s own, concentration and some degree of perseverance is required.


Ejercicips has shown that 20, to 30, repetitions may be required to produce results. The repetitions will take just a few minutes every hour. The brain as a whole learns to compensate for motor deficits in the cerebellum or the spinal cord where applicable.

If the ataxia affects say, head movements, the patient can use a mirror or combination of mirrors to watch their own head movements. The exercises were developed by Heinrich Frenkela Swiss neurologist who, one day inwhile examining a patient with ataxia, re the patient’s poor performance of the finger-to-nose test.

The patient asked Dr Frenkel about the test and was told what it meant and that he did not ‘pass’ the test. Several months later, on re-examination, the patient showed extraordinary improvement in coordination.

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Frenkel was astonished by the improvement. He had never seen such an improvement before, which was contradictory to the teaching of the day and in fact is sadly widespread today.

This attitude is almost always incorrect and in recent years has begun to change with the recognition of brain plasticity. When Frenkel asked the patient what had happened in the interval, the patient replied, ‘I wanted to pass the test and so I practiced. Or at least others?

In his book on ataxia, Frenkel states: Frenkel’s book states that the best way to perform ejercicio exercises is to do them for three minutes using some kind of timer so the exercises become less of a chore. Then the patient should do something entirely different and unrelated for fifteen minutes, say read a book or have a chat.

Frenkel exercises

frenlel At that point the patient goes back to the exercises for another three minutes when it will be found that the skill has improved to a step higher from when the exercises were last done fifteen minutes earlier.

It is thought that the fifteen-minute break enables the new neural connections to frenkl created. The patient can treat himself and obviously in the absence of a medical practitioner must do so. However, it is better that a physiotherapist is involved. He or she motivates and guides the patient in how to watch himself move.

Frenkel Exercise Manual Online


The therapist may also help the patient move where muscular strength is low. Frenkel states that is very important that the therapist also gives the patient pep talks and motivation. Apathy, lack of motivation and clinical depression are very common in cases of cerebellar ataxia and are one of the main reasons for failure of therapy.


Frenkel noted that the patient had to be free from opiate and alcohol use, for instance, dde order to achieve the required focus of attention. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article’s use of external links may not follow Wikipedia’s policies or guidelines.

Please improve this article by removing excessive or inappropriate external links, and converting ejetcicios links where appropriate into footnote references. April Learn how and when to remove this template message. Mosby’s Medical Dictionary 8th ed.


The Frenkel and Other Exercises”. The American Journal of Nursing. Retrieved from ” https: Julian—Gregorian uncertainty Drenkel external links cleanup from April Wikipedia spam cleanup from April Views Read Edit View history. This page was last edited on 11 Octoberat By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

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